Die Leute...

29. November 2011 / Eingestellt von thw um 11:52 /

Heute im Perlentaucher gefunden, eine Perle, die man nur finden kann, wenn man täglich beim  Perlentaucher vorbei schaut:

Jed Perl, Kunstkritiker des New Republic, ist sichtlich abgestoßen von der - auch in Deutschland - viel gefeierten Mauricio-Catellan-Show im Guggenheim und dem, was sie repräsentiert: "Cattelan is at the Guggenheim because the big money in the art business is behind him. The other day, one of his minor works, a miniature model of two elevator doors, sold for just over a million dollars at Christie’s. (It comes in an edition of ten, one of which is hanging on Fifth Avenue and 89th Street.) And that was one of the more modest prices at Christie’s contemporary sale on November 8, where a Robert Gober Prison Window went for $3.3 million and a 1961 Roy Lichtenstein for $43.2 million. The collector Eli Broad was quoted, at the end of the auction, explaining that 'People would rather have art than gold or paper.' To which it seems to me the only response is that people who have millions of dollars to spend on a Cattelan, a Gober, or a Lichtenstein are not what used to be known as 'the people.'"
Und der Artikel ist wirklich lesenswert. Vergleiche mit der bundesrepublikanischen Situation ergeben sich fast von selbst.

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