Die Basis der Kunst
24. November 2010 / Eingestellt von thw um 20:16 /
Richter und seine Kataloge sind wohl eine derartige Basis und hier gibt es eine Übersicht für alle Richterfans, im Inland und im Ausland. Tatsächlich lässt sich an dieser unvollständigen Bibliographie auch eine Geschichte der Kunst Deutschlands ablesen. Und das zum kaufen...siehe hier.
Gerd Richter. Galerie Schmela, Dusseldorf, 9 – 30 Sept, 1964.
Document of Richter's FIRST true solo-exhibition ever. Announcement card, 14 x 21 cm, folded, 4 pages. Inside covers, glossy white card, w. 2 lg. b + w photos of paintings. The short list of exhibitions incl. the one's at Galerie Junge Kunst Fulda (1962) and Demonstration f. d. kapitalistischen Realismus Mobelhaus Berges (1963). This item is the only documentation of this exhibition of Richter (who at that time still named himself GERD Richter). Reference > "Alfred Schmela. Galerist..." / Wienand
Verlag Cologne 1996, # 067Extremly scarce, in very good condition. Please inquire.
"Über die Notwendigkeit von Krokodilen in der Kunst - oder - Der kapitalistische Realismus" (1964) Brochure, 21 x 15 cm, stapled. Text (German) by Heinz Ohff. >Speach of H.O. on occassion of the opening of the exhibition "Neodada, Pop, Decollage, Kapitalistischer Realismus" at the Gallery R. Block, Berlin on 15 Sept. 1964.
Selfpublished by the author.10 pages, text only. Mentioning Gerhard Richter.
Very fine condition. Very rare document. Euro 150,oo
G.R. "KUH" (# 15) - 1966
Vintage photograph, b+w, 18 x 22 cm, verso >
Two Rubberstamp imprints " Heiner Friedrich, Maximilianstr. Muenchen" + "H.F. Lindenstr., Koeln" + handwritten title.
Fine condition. Euro 75,oo
PopOp Pop Op PopPop OpOp Op Op. Galerie am Dom, Frankfurt, March and Mai / Juni, 1966.
Announcement leaflet for the exhibition of " Editions & Graphic works of the Avant Garde ". Speaker: Arnold Bode (documenta, kassel). 21 x 42 cm, folded three times for mailing purposes (as issued), 8 pp. text by William E. Simmat (of Galerie d, Frankfurt)
List of artists: Arman, Stanley Brouwn, George Brecht, Brehmer, Christo, Dine, Filliou, Henderikse, Lueg, Manzoni, Raysse, Gerd (!) Richter, Diter Rot, Warhol, Fontana, Girke, Graevenitz, Graubner, Leblanc, Mack, Megert, Morellet, Peeters, Pine,
Schoonhoven, Struycken, Verheyen C. Visser, de Vries etc. No illustrations. Rare document in very good condition. Euro 80,oo
Richter, Gerhard. Graphik 1965 - 1970. Museum Folkwang Essen, October 1970.
Invitation to the press for the pre-view w. the artist on 15 Oct./ Sheet, 4to. sl. browning, one fold, mimeographed, signed by the director of the museum. Scarce. Fine condition. Euro 50,oo
Gerhard Richter. Editionen der Galerie Heiner Friedrich, Munchen (1971)
Two sheets, 30 x 21 cm, announcing the editions "Sealandscape" + " Landscape 1" of Richter. Fullsheet b+w plates, infos. One sheet w. very slight foxing. Scarce and in very good cond. Together Euro 75,oo
Richter, Gerhard. Atlas. (Atlas van de foto's en schetsen.) Hedendaaqse Kunst, Utrecht, Dec. 1972. Announcement sheet (8vo.) for the Exhibition 1 (Atlas) and Exhibition 2 (Portraits) of Richter. Detailed info on dates, hours, organisation, explicitly mentioning that the publication for the event was entirely designed by the Artist. Scarce item. Fine condition.Euro 60,oo
Gerhard Richter – rot – blau – gelb (nr 338). Edition seriaal, Amsterdam, 1973.
Subscription card for an Edition (Canvas Multiple). 15 x 21 cm. Color reprod. + text. Fine. Euro 75.oo
G.R. "Stadtbilder 1968" Modern Art Agency, Napoli, (Jan) 1973
Announcement card, 15,5 x 20,5 cm. Recto > b+w plate of "City-painting" # 177 -3
Verso > text. Postmarked. Fine condition. Euro 160,oo
Gerhard Richter bei Konrad Fischer, Dusseldorf. Sept. 1975.
"Gilbert + George portraits and other paintings". Announcement card, 11 x 16 cm, color reprod. of G+G portrait. Richter's third exhibition w. Fischer, who in earlier years had been his artist-friend, at that time using the name Konrad Lueg.
Reference >" Galerie mit Bleistift / Fischer – Ausstellungen 1967 – 1992 ", 1993, # 110.
Rare. Fine. Unmailed. Euro 120,oo
G. Richter "Seestuecke". (Seascapes) Kabinett f. akt. Kunst Bremerhaven, Nov. 1975.
Poster, ca. 50 x 50 cm. In fine condition but w. small wear around the edges of the poster. It is silkscreen text and a b+w offset reprod. of a seascape painting is mounted into the center of the poster.Only approx. 50 posters were handmade !! Euro 580,oo
G. Richter "Seestuecke". (Seascapes) Kabinett f. akt. Kunst Bremerhaven, Nov. 1975.
Announcement card, 10 x 15 cm, b+w reprod.,+ Gallery data. Mint. Euro 75,oo
Gerhard Richter: Grafik des Kapitalistischen Realismus. Galerie Block, Berlin 1971-76.
Announcement sheet for subscription. Prospectus + ordercard. 4 pp.- 3 b+w reprod. of Richter. Fine. Euro 25,oo
G.R. "Bilder + Druckgrafik 1962 - 1978", Galerie Lutze, Friedrichshafen (March) 1979
Announcement card, 21 x 30 cm, folded to 21 x 10 cm, making 3 printed pages.
B+w reprod. of painting "Frau Niepenberg, 1965". Text in Ausstellungen 1963 - 1978"
Fine condition. Euro 95,oo
Gerhard Richter, Schilderijen, Van Abbemuseum Eindhoven, Oct. 1978.
Announcement, 29 x 21 cm, folded, holes from filing. Color plate of abstr. painting. VG. Euro 40,oo
Gerhard Richter. Abstract Paintings. Whitechapel Art Gallery London, 1979
Announcement / POSTER, 31 x 41 cm (folded). Color reprod. of details of a painting. Gallery dates etc.Scarce. VG. Euro 95,oo
G. R. in "Tagesanzeiger-Magazin # 26" Zuerich, (June) 1979
32 x 22 cm, stapled. With a monographical essay by Fritz Billeter on G. Richter (p. 14 - 19 / + p. 33)w. 5 color + 3 b+w reprod. Fine condition. Euro 25,oo
Richter. Zwei gelbe Striche. 1980.
Announcement sheet (30 x 21 cm) folded, reprod. in b+w, inviting for the exhib. at the Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, 12 Sept –5 Oct. 1980. Fine. Euro 65,oo
G.R. + Georg Baselitz. Kunsthalle Duesseldorf (May) 1981
Announcement card, 10 x 21 cm. Recto/ verso > text only.
Fine condition. Euro 10,oo
Gerhard Richter. "Neue Bilder ". Hetzler Gallery, Stuttgart. 1982.
Announcement folder, 30 x 21 cm, inviting for the opening on 5 Nov., 1982.
Four pages, w. 3 full page color reprod. of abstr. paintings. Text. Fine condition. Euro 75,oo
G.R. "Abstrakte Bilder 1976 - 1981". Gal. Fred Jahn, Munchen (June) 1982
Announcement card, 21 x 15 cm, folded, 4 pp., color plate "# 456/2", 1980.
Fine condition. Euro 60,oo
Richter, Gerhard. Galerie Konrad Fischer, Zurich, Ackerstrasse 44. (9 Oct. - 6 Nov.) 1982Announcement, 17,5 x 22 cm, recto: b+w photo of Abstract Painting # 508 (1982),
verso: invitational text. Very fine condition. Euro 80,oo
G.Richter, Baselitz, Polke, Palermo, Immendorff et al. "Deutsche Zeichnungen". Gal. A. Verna, Zurich,1982 Announcement card, 10 x 21 cm. Recto / verso text only. Postmarked. Fine condition. Euro 10,oo
G.R. Sperone Westwater Fischer, New York (Jan.) 1983
Announcement card, 13,5 x 19,8 cm, recto only > color plate of an abstract painting.
Mint condition. Euro 50,oo
G.R. Sperone Westwater Fischer, New York (Jan.) 1983
Announcement card, 13,5 x 19,8 cm, recto only > color plate of an abstract painting.
With a handwritten message and handsigned by G. Richter and Isa Gensken.
In the original handaddressed and postmarked (New York) envelope. Fine condition. Euro 180,oo
G.R. "Terrae Motus". Lucio Amelio, Napoli (Mar.) 1983
Announcement card, 14,5 x 20,5 cm, folded, 4 pp., color plate "Static", 1982.
Text in It. + Engl. With a handwritten dedication and handsigned by G. Richter.
Fine condition. Euro 180,oo
G.R. bei Konrad Fischer, Duesseldorf (July) 1983
Announcement card, 15 x 15 cm, recto > color plate of an abstract painting "Juli 1983".
Verso text / postmarked.Fine condition. Euro 80,oo
G.R. "Werke d. 60er Jahre a.d. Sammlg. Onnasch", Ulmer Museum, Ulm (Oct.) 1984
Announcement card, 15 x 21 cm, folded, 4 pages.
Color reprod. of painting installation "Color Fields". Fine condition. Euro 60,oo
G.R. "Aquarelle + Zeichnungen" Galerie Borgmann, Cologne (Jan.) 1984
Announcement card, 21 x15 cm.- Recto > color reprod. of a watercolor / verso > text only. Fine condition. Euro 40,oo
G.R. "Farbfelder". Galerie Wilkens + Jacobs, Cologne (Oct.) 1984
Announcement card, 14,5 x 20,5 cm, folded, 4 pp., color plate "Static", 1982.
Fine condition. Euro 50,oo
G.R., Galerie Durant-Dessert, Paris (Feb.) 1984
Announcement card, 10 x 21 cm. Recto > text only.
Fine condition. Euro 10,oo
G.R. " 77 Aquarelle", Staatsgalerie Stuttgart (Jan.) 1985
Announcement card, 15 x 10 cm.- Recto > color reprod. of a watercolor / verso > text only.Fine condition. Euro 30,oo
G.R. "Abstrake Bilder", Galerie Fred Jahn, Munchen (Dec.) 1985
Announcement card, 30 x 19 cm.- Recto > color reprod. of painting "Fenster 1985" / verso > text only. Fine condition. Euro 70,oo
Richter. Bilder / Paintings. 1962 - 1985. Museum moderner Kunst, Wien (Vienna), Juli 1986Announcement card, folded, 4 pp. text only. Fine. Euro 15,oo
Richter. Bilder / Paintings. 1962 - 1985. Kunsthalle Dusseldorf, 1986.
Announcement card + invitation to the press.Stiff card, 30 x 21 cm. Color photo: Studio View w. paintings. Text. Bit worn, still VG. Euro 35,oo
G. Richter. Bilder 1963 – 1986. Kunsthalle Bern, June 1986
Announcement card 15 x 21 cm. Color reprod. of "SDI" in the artist's studio, w. his black cat in front. Verso Gallery data. Fine. Euro 50,oo
G.R. "Installation of abstract paintings at the exhibition Von Hier Aus " Duesseldorf, Sept. 1985Vintage photograph, b+w, 17 x 24 cm, verso > Label w. text " Blick in die Halle von Gerhard Richter" Fine condition. Euro 75,oo
G.R. "Selected Early Works". B. Gladstone Gallery, N.Y. (Dec.) 1986
Announcement card, 13 x18 cm.- Recto / verso > text only.
Mint condition. Euro 10,oo
G.R. "Paintings". Goodman + Sperone Westwater, N.Y. (March) 1987
Announcement card, 22 x 18 cm.- folded, 4 pp. Cover > color reprod. of painting "Meditation, 617 / 1986" inside > text only.
Fine condition. Euro 50,oo
Gerhard Richter. '20 Bilder', Galerie Zwirner, Koeln, 1987.
Announcment card, 15 x 21 cm, folded, 4 pp., color plate of abstr. painting. Text. Fine. Euro 40,oo
Richter. Art is the highest form of hope. Art Gallery of Ontario, April 1988.
Announcement for the opening. 8vo. folded, 4 pp. Color plate of abstract painting. Text + data. Fine. Euro 40,oo
Richter. Art is the highest form of hope. Museum of Contemp. Art Chicago, Sept. 1988.
Announcement for the opening. 8vo. folded, 4 pp. Color plate of abstract painting. Text + data. Fine. Euro 40,oo
Gerhard Richter. "18. Oktober 1977". Textbrochue as special printing from Parkett # 19 / 198925 x 21 cm, stapled. Text in German by Jan Thorn-Prikker. Incl. an interview w. G. Richter. Added > typoscript of a radio-essay on the Okt.-1977-paintings by J.T.P. from Feb. 1989 (4 pp).
Added > 6 pages from Magazin-Kunst # 43 / 1971 w. 7 color reprod.
Fine condition. 3 items together > Euro 50,oo
Richter, Gerhard. Rotterdam Museum Boymans-van Beuningen (1989).
Announcement card, 15 x 21 cm. Color reprod. of abstr. painting, reverse text. Fine. Euro 40,oo
G.R. "New Paintings". M. Goodman Gallery + Sperone Westwater N.Y. (Feb.) 1990
Announcement card, 14 x 20 cm, folded, 4 pp., color plate "November Part B", 1989.
Inside text only. Loosely enclosed is a text sheet.
Very fine condition. > Euro 50,oo
G.R. "FUJI", Lenbachhaus Munchen (March) 1997
Announcement card, 10 x 15 cm.- Recto > color reprod. of painting installation '"Fuji"/ verso > text only. Postmarked. Fine condition. Euro 30,oo
G.R. "Paintings 1996 - 2001". M. Goodman Gallery, N.Y. (Sept.) 2001
Announcement card, 24,5 x 17 cm, folded, 4 pp., color plate "Sommertag", 1999.
Inside text only. Loosely enclosed are a text sheet and a subscription card for the catalog.Color illustr. of "Abstract painting 867-1". Mint condition. 3 items together > Euro 40,oo
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Labels: Gestalten gestalten, Gesten gestern

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